September 8 – 12, 2025 5200 US Hwy 98 E, Santa Rosa Beach, FL, 32459, United States
A Word from our founder
“We have trained and activated 300,000+ saints to use their spiritual gifts, with more than 6,000 leaders on 6 continents who are using CI’s Manual for Ministering Spiritual Gifts to now train 1,000s more. All leaders need to teach, train, activate, mentor, and mature their saints in the spiritual gifts.”
Registration - Train the Trainer
This one-day class is for anyone who has taken the MSG series (Modules 1-4) and is interested in becoming a CI Authorized Instructor.
Registration and Check-in - Modules: 1,3 & 5
Welcome- Session StartSession 1: Hear God's Voice (M1)Session 1: MSG By Faith (M3)Session 1: Practice God's Voice (M5
Sessions 2-4: Hear God's Voice (M1)Sessions 2-4: MSG By Faith (M3)Sessions 2-4: Practice God's Voice (M5)Sessions 5-6: Hear God's Voice (M1)Sessions 5-6: MSG By Faith (M3)Sessions 5-6: Practice God's Voice (M5)
Sessions 7-9: Hear God's Voice (M1)Sessions 7-9: MSG By Faith (M3)Sessions 7-9: Practice God's Voice (M5)
Registration and Check-in - Modules: 2, 4 & 6
Sessions 1-2: Share God's Voice (M2)Sessions 1-2: MSG Advanced (M4)Sessions 1-2: Be God's Voice (M6)
Prophetic Ministry
Sessions 3-5: Share God's Voice (M2)Sessions 3-5: MSG Advanced (M4)Sessions 3-5: Be God's Voice (M6)Sessions 6-7: Share God's Voice (M2)Sessions 6-7: MSG Advanced (M4)Sessions 6-7: Be God's Voice (M6)
Sessions 8-10: Share God's Voice (M2)Sessions 8-10: MSG Advanced (M4)Sessions 8-10: Be God's Voice (M6)
*Conference Ends - Thank you for coming!
Hear God's Voice (M1)
Monday 6:00 PM - Wednesday 1:00 PM THIS IS A PRE-REQUISITE TO THE OTHER MINISTERING SPIRITUAL GIFTS MODULES.Hear God's Voice (Formerly called Ministering Spiritual Gifts) explains how spiritual gifts were lost to the Church and how revelation of the written Word has established these gifts once again. In this course, a strong emphasis is placed on training leaders to activate the saints in the gifts of the Holy Spirit with which they have been endowed (I Cor. 12 & 14). Teaching is also provided on the gifts with an emphasis on revelation gifts. A combination of lecture and experiential learning is employed, teaching, guiding, and instructing the students. By the end of this course students should gain an understanding of why and how God speaks to them.
Share God's Voice (M2)
Wednesday 2:45 PM - Friday 1:00 PMFormerly called Ministering Spiritual Gifts Breakthrough. Students are trained and activated to flow in the revelation gifts with an emphasis on prophecy. This course provides a deeper understanding of prophetic principles. Students will learn how to overcome the power of fear that would hinder them from hearing the voice of God and sharing what they hear with the Body of Christ. Students will also learn to deliver effective prophetic ministry to bless the receiver by understanding prophetic protocols and identifying possible personal character flaws and root problems. Teaching and practical demonstration (activation) are both part of this course.It is required (no exceptions) that M1 be taken before taking M2
Ministering Spiritual Gifts by Faith (M3)
Monday 6:00 PM - Wednesday 1:00 PMThis course addresses questions such as:Does God like/desire to talk to His people?Can you set a time and place to prophesy?What are the differences between accurate and inaccurate prophesies?How can you identify a true or false prophet?Students will learn about the principles of Spiritual Gift stewardship and how to stir up their faith to operate in the gifts of the spirit. The various levels of authority released in prophetic ministry is explained. Be trained and activated to a greater flow in prophecy, word of knowledge, and the word of wisdom.It is strongly recommended that you take M1 and M2 before taking this module
Ministering Spiritual Gifts Advanced (M4)
Wednesday 2:45PM - Friday 1:00 PMStudents will learn how to handle what appears to be contradictions in prophetic ministry and how to minister the heart of God while speaking to the potential of a person. Teaching will also cover potential pitfalls of “Family Problems,” “My Ministry Syndrome,” “Reward for Every Service Rendered,” and “Immaturity and Human Ambition,” and how such pitfalls interfere with the fulfillment of destiny and calling. Practical, hands-on training allows the student to tap into a deeper, more mature, more accurate flow of prophetic ministry.It is strongly recommended that you take M1-M3 before taking this module.
Practice God's Voice (M5)
Monday 6:00 PM - Wednesday 1:00 PM Practice, practice, practice. During this seminar, all participants will be engaged in only activation sessions. What a great way to dig deep in your prophetic gifting while increasing accuracy and confidence.It is strongly recommended that you take M1-M4 before taking this module.
Be God's Voice (M6)
Wednesday 2:45PM - Friday 1:00 PMBe the Voice of God: This training takes your prophetic gifting to the next level as you learn to BE God's voice to those around you. Students will learn how to effectively reach people outside of the Church, showing them God's heart for them, bringing hope, healing and new life.It is strongly recommended that you take M1-M5 before taking this module.
MSG Train the Trainer
Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PMThis one-day class is for anyone who has taken the MSG series (Modules 1-4) and is interested in becoming a CI Authorized Instructor. Class begins at 9:00 AM and ends at 4:00 PM on Monday. Note that this class is separate from the other training modules and includes lunch. For more information on the CI Authorized Instructor program, go here:
By checking this box, you are confirming that you have completed the prerequisite class--Hear God's Voice or Ministering Spiritual Gifts (Module 1)--and that you are ready to advance to the class(es) selected above. If you have not yet taken HGV or MSG, please go back and select it as your class.